When To Use a Funnel Chart

A funnel chart is a visual representation of the relative proportions of different values in a given data set. Funnel charts are often used to illustrate the stages of a process or the relative proportions of different items in a data set. They are ideal for displaying data that changes gradually from one value to another, as the width of the funnel decreases just as the value decreases.

Funnel charts can be used to compare values, or to track a value over time. They are also often used in marketing to track the success of a given campaign. Funnel charts can be created in a variety of software programs, or online using a website like Google Sheets. Below, you’ll learn all about how to create a funnel chart, when to use a funnel chart, and more.

Using a Funnel Chart


A funnel chart is used to track the conversion rates of different stages of a process. This type of chart is especially helpful in determining where in the process potential customers are dropping out. Funnel charts are generally used in business settings but can be applied in other areas as well.

For example, you could use a funnel chart to track the number of students who apply to a university, the number of students who are accepted, and the number of students who enroll. There are a few different types of funnel charts, but the most common is the stages funnel chart. This type of chart has three stages: the starting point, the middle point, and the end point.

The starting point is the point at which customers first become aware of your product or service. The middle point is the point at which potential customers become interested in your product or service. The endpoint is the point at which potential customers become customers.

How to Create a Funnel Chart

A funnel chart is a graphical tool that is used to represent the stages through which a given process flows. The stages are typically represented as a series of bars, with the widest bar representing the starting point, and the smallest representing the endpoint. The width of each bar is proportional to the relative amount of data associated with that stage. Funnel charts are often used to visualize the conversion rate of a process, from beginning to end.

To create a funnel chart, you will need to first create a data set that represents the stages of the process that you wish to track. The data set should contain at least three columns: the stage name, the relative amount of data associated with that stage, and the total amount of data in the process.

Next, you will need to create a chart in Excel that uses the data from your data set. In the chart, use the column for the stage name as the X-axis, and the column for the relative amount of data as the Y-axis.

Finally, you will need to use the program to generate the funnel chart using the data. To do this, first select the data in your chart. Then, go to the “Insert” tab and select the “Insert Waterfall, Funnel, Stock, Surface, or Radar Chart” button. Then click the “Funnel” option. Excel will then automatically create a funnel chart based on your data.

You can now use the funnel chart to track the progress of your leads or customers through your process. As you can see, there are many uses to a funnel chart and different industries in which you can use the chart to show conversation rates or sales stages. It’s a great way to find areas for improvement.

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