We’ve been talking about it for at least two years now: the future of marketing is all in videos . This is why platforms such as YouTube are increasingly indispensable in the study of multi-channel digital promotional strategies that aim not only to increase a company’s revenue, but also its brand reputation and awareness.

But how can YouTube contribute to a successful digital strategy ?

First of all, because it can be integrated into a broader Content Marketing strategy : YouTube should in fact be considered as an ideal platform for the production of valuable content which, in this case, will be declined in video format . Again, the project objectives may be distinctly commercial or promotional , but also of increasing awareness and reputation of the brand. Alternatively, video content will be the ideal tool to increase user loyalty , to create engagement and, consequently, to increase leads andsales . 

It goes without saying that YouTube cannot be used randomly, for example by uploading unstructured videos within appropriate strategies: on the contrary, both companies and marketers will have to exploit it in a synergistic and conscious way , in a smart way and aimed at real competitiveness of the organization.

YouTube – the ideal tool for video marketing 

To date, also by virtue of belonging to the suite of services offered by Google , YouTube is considered an essential platform for video marketing projects .

But what does video marketing mean ? This term defines the set of rules, communication strategies and techniques related to the conception, production and delivery of video content. As is known, video marketing is also one of the fastest growing trends, so much so that it is now regularly confirmed by the analysis of the annual trends systematically examined by sector specialists, the marketers.

Already a study conducted by Animoto  in 2017 showed that over 60% of consumers had a tendency to proceed with a purchase of a specific service or product after having seen a video . Within the next year, that percentage is projected to exceed 80%, and that alone is more than enough to convince most organizations to integrate video content into their multichannel digital marketing strategies

The engagement and redemption generated by effective video marketing campaigns have confirmed that this type of medium is particularly functional in conveying messages with a strong emotional impact , and that it is particularly suitable for the complex storytelling process of a brand, product or event. In fact, it acts on sensory and emotional strings that are very different from what a simple written text or image would do and for this reason, when integrated into a global marketing strategy that takes into account different media, YouTube multiplies its effectiveness. 

The most popular ways to integrate YouTube into a digital strategy 

How can YouTube be integrated into a digital strategy geared towards maximum success? Without prejudice to the importance of individual creativity , there are certainly many types of multimedia content on which marketers and companies focus.

Among the best known are: 

  • Video tutorials : ideal for communicating the operation of a specific service or product, or for educational purposes. These are very useful video content that is perceived to be of particular value, because it provides the user with something useful without asking for anything in return. 
  • Video Advertising : A well-crafted video advertisement can receive much more positive feedback than a banner on a website. The most successful video advertising campaigns stand out for their creativity and originality, which aim to keep the user glued to the screen and increase brand awareness.
  • Webinar : exceptionally convenient for those who do not have the opportunity to follow lessons on site, this type of content can also be delivered on different delivery platforms. However, the substance does not change: the possibility of learning or deepening with the support of live comparisons, where possible, is considered very effective. 
  • Vlog : that is video blog, it is a video content that tells a story and represents one of the most used video modes for storytelling. 
  • Corporate presentations : more and more companies use the video tool to tell their identity, vision, mission, or to celebrate with users the achievement of a particular goal. In this case, the involvement and shortening of the distance between brand and users is the main advantage of this type of content. 

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