Why invest in SEO? How to explain it to your company

Search Engine Optimization , SEO, includes all those activities carried out with the aim of improving the positioning of the pages of a website in search engines in correspondence with the keywords considered most strategic.

But why is investing in SEO essential for companies ? Let’s try to explain it in 5 simple points:

  1. SEO is a smart investment in terms of cost. Compared to more substantial investments, such as the purchase of advertising banners, SEO offers an optimal ROI. The SEO processes are technical and pure content and do not involve paid activities, like AdWords or Social Media Marketing.
  2. SEO is an investment that offers lasting results over time. SEO must be the foundation on which to build your online marketing strategy, because it leads to lasting results. In fact, one of the reasons why it is worth investing in SEO is the longevity of its beneficial effects on a website. Once the optimization of the site is finished, the positive effects are maintained in the following periods.
  3. Search engines influence purchasing decisions and choosing between one brand and another. Before making a purchase, more and more people read up on prices, the characteristics of a product and the possible alternatives online. Many users therefore carry out searches on search engines before relying on a brand or before choosing the company to turn to. If you want to intercept new customers, it is therefore essential to appear in organic searches, especially Google. Being on the first page of Google with your business can make a difference!
  4. Your competitors are already on the first page of Google. Companies using SEO strategies are growing day by day, as evidenced by the increase in the number of indexed pages. Starting as soon as possible to set up a positioning strategy appears fundamental today. Also because SEO is a never-ending process, search engine algorithms keep changing and consequently sites that don’t adapt to these processes risk being cut off. It is essential to be up to date to always stay present in Google searches with a constant SEO positioning witch over time.

Being on the first page of Google improves the corporate image. Appearing on the first page in Google searches is a factor that allows you to substantially improve the corporate image. This is because the end user can only perceive a reality that is among the top 10 results of search engines as reliable, thinking that its position is linked to dynamics of popularity and seriou

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