What you need to know about content marketing

As you know, they say “Content is King” and especially for online advertisers this is a fact, because content marketing can and should be an important building block in the marketing mix of every company. The creation and marketing of content has many advantages. The content should be seen by the target group as enriching, useful, informative or entertaining. Good content marketing is characterized above all by the fact that the content has added value for the user.

In this blog article, you’ll learn what content marketing actually is and what benefits it has to achieve your goals. Let’s go!

What is content marketing?

To put it simply, content marketing generates content. These are mostly texts, but also images, videos, graphics, tables, checklists and various other formats are part of the content of a website. Content marketing is a sub-discipline of marketing in which the target group is to be addressed with the help of informative or transactional content. The goal is to help the user to his goal.

Through content marketing, your own brand, your own company or its services can be positioned without the reader feeling bothered by advertising. Because the content creation serves the organic search via search engines such as Google, Bing and Co.

When it comes to content marketing, there is almost no limit to your imagination. You have the opportunity to use different formats and give free rein to your ideas. The only important thing is that the content has added value for potential customers and that in the best case this also leads to an action – a so-called conversion.

What does content marketing bring to your business?

Your company is considering starting a content marketing campaign or setting up a content marketing strategy? That’s a good idea. After all, this marketing technique has many advantages. More leads, reach and brand awareness are just a few of them. But let’s take a closer look at the individual opportunities that present themselves to your company.

Increase awareness online and offline with content marketing

Content marketing is an effective way to gain more awareness online and offline. Those who create campaigns with entertaining or informative and best SEO-optimized content can be found better and more often in search engines and thus increase their visibility enormously.

In the best case, content marketing not only leads to popularity but also to brand awareness. Everyone can think of some advertising slogans that you associate directly with a company or certain content formats that you follow regularly.

In the very best case, content goes viral. This means that they spread rapidly, for example on social networks. There they are shared and sent on and, above all, recommended. In this way, the content receives a very high level of attention in a short time, the reach of the campaign increases and this is also reflected in sales, among other things. Content can also be shared by combining organic and PPC type promotion.

Generate more visitors, prospects, customers and sales with content marketing

If you manage to gain more rankings and brand awareness through content marketing, the logical conclusion is that more visitors will also view your website. Through a targeted approach in the content, more leads can also be achieved, which can then lead from the sales team to sales and thus to a further increase in sales.

Content marketing creates trust and lasting customer loyalty

In the best case, content marketing causes the company and its services or products to be perceived as a solution to a problem. The company is therefore no longer primarily regarded as an advertiser and so the customer builds trust.

This in turn strengthens customer loyalty immensely and often leads to the fact that the customer as such remains with the company for a long time. Also from a financial point of view, this results in a great advantage, because these types of customers buy more often and more often, because they trust in a flawless handling of their business.

SEO content as a booster for visibility

Especially the creation of search engine optimized texts is very worthwhile for companies. SEO texts are texts that work with keywords that are particularly relevant for search engines or have a high search volume.

Before producing a search engine optimized text, a keyword audit is generated that determines the top keywords for all topics. The content writers stick to this and optimize the text so that the perfect number of keywords is included. This leads to a better positioning in Google search and thus to more visibility and clicks.


Content marketing is an effective yet unobtrusive way to find and, more importantly, retain customers. You have an incredible number of possibilities to produce content and play it out in different ways. Take advantage of these opportunities and give your brand or company a face.

Finally, we have summarized the most important advantages:

  • Content marketing saves budget because it works without ads
  • Content marketing produces sustainable content
  • Content marketing creates trust
  • Content marketing gives the user added value
  • Content marketing gives the opportunity to present its services in detail in relation to its products
  • Content marketing gives the opportunity to highlight its USPs

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