Website Traffic Checker by Craig Mullins Consulting

Craig Mullins website tracker is an effective tool for obtaining up-to-date statistics on the visitors to any website.

The tool provides detailed information, including the location of visitors, number of pages viewed per visit, average time spent on site per visit, and number of visits over a period.

Craig Mullins website Traffic Checker can also track phone usage on-site and use free-website-traffic-checker for any new content added to the website.

If you are looking for a reliable way to monitor your website traffic or if you want to find out how your competitors are performing or what they’re doing right where you’ve gone wrong, Website Traffic Checker by Craig Mullins Consulting is the excellent solution.

The software is marketed as a competitive intelligence tool, providing a way to keep tabs on the competition.

However, there is also the potential to use it for more malicious purposes such as monitoring a group of people who collectively need anonymity, e.g. political dissidents in China or other places where repressive governments monitor activities of citizens.

A less sinister application would be to use it on one’s website if one was concerned about competitors who are spying on you to exploit your web traffic strategy.

It could also be used by law enforcement authorities investigating an illegal activity and requiring traffic statistics to help their case.

The software can be used in a multitude of ways, some of which are:

Daily Website Traffic Report

This “report” is a summary of the day’s website traffic statistics by web traffic checker, showing which pages were viewed and how long people stayed on your site.

The report can be opened through an HTML link sent via e-mail or by downloading it.

The report is not password protected; anyone with access to the reports can view and copy it.

Reports can also be accessed using a database that runs on your computer and displays statistics, but they are limited to 30 days in length.

The database is password-protected, making sure that only you can see the data. You can also use the database to track phone usage on-site and to check any new content you have added to your site.

 Visitor Map

This map-view shows the location of visitors by country, state, and city.

Also, a click on any country will show you the number of visits from that country.

Goals Meter

A “goal” in Site Traffic Checker is a specific action you want visitors to take on your site. For instance, if you want people to make a purchase, that would be one goal.

A goal is made up of one or more pages, which are visited before the visitor reaches his or her goal page(s).

You can create as many goals as you like. A visitor will move a marker along the “goals meter” to the goal page once he or she has visited all of the pages without exiting your site.

The visitor will reach his or her goal(s) as long as he or she doesn’t go back to any pages that were previously visited.

Goals meter is designed for use as a daily traffic checker tool with e-commerce websites because it doesn’t track whether or not a purchase was made.

However, it can be used for purposes other than tracking e-commerce sites. For example, it can be used to track how visitors use information from a particular website. Or, if you have an information site and want to see which articles visitors read, the goals meter can be configured to track those interactions.

Goals meter shows where in the world your visitors are (city and state or country) and how long they stay on your site. It gives you a better sense of who is coming to your site, where they are, and how they move through your site once they get there.

 You can also configure the goals meter so it automatically tracks only certain pages.

 Craig Mullins Consulting

3809 Yosemite Ct N

Pleasanton, CA 94588

(925) 963-2857

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