How QA is Playing A Significant Role in Digital Banking?

This is the era of digital banking. All banks in this world have an online presence and some sort of application to provide ease and convenience to the customers. As an outcome, they have extremely private and confidential information stored in their systems.

Keeping this scenario in mind, we are presenting to you some ways through which quality assurance is playing an important role in digital banking.

Assimilation with Payment Gateways and 3rd Party Apps Require Complete Validation

There are so many times when we hear stories regarding customer money getting stuck in the payment gateway. This leads to pending status and payment gateways and generates transaction failures. This sort of glitch annoys the customers very much. Therefore, in order to guarantee that banking systems have a stable payment gateway. This guarantees integration that offers a flawless transaction experience to the customer.

Server Outages Need Testing

There are times when banks encounter severe downtimes and problems that affect the functioning of customers and banks. Server outages lead to late payments and failed transactions which can cause heavy bank losses and customers also get annoyed. As a result, apps and banking servers are required to be quality tested and guaranteed to avoid server downtime. This will guarantee high-performing apps under all circumstances.

Data Security From Cyber-Threats Require Security Testing

Banks have important and private customer data. Therefore, the privacy of information is very important to save from cyber-attacks. However, with the evolution in technology hackers are incorporating all probable means to hack customer information. Therefore, it is very important to conduct vulnerability testing.The average cyber-crime cost for a bank was estimated to be $16.7 million in 2018. This is expected to rise in 2022.

Regulatory compliance requires Thorough QA Testing

Financial institutions have to follow some rules, regulations, and compliances. As a result, all banking systems are required to be quality assurance tested to authenticate that they are not omitting any open API terms and conditions. 

Cloud-based banking Solutions Require Appropriate Testing 

For many financial institutions, successful cloud implementation is a big challenge. Therefore, cloud app testing assists in guaranteeing the flawless functioning of cloud-based banking solutions. This will assist the successful application of cloud solutions. This cloud testing procedure also guarantees that data is transferred successfully without any loss. Whereas, data migration occurs for the banking mechanisms.

App compatibility Needs Compatibility Testing 

There is a large number of customers who use banking apps on various browsers, operating systems, and mobile devices. Therefore, it is very important for banking systems to guarantee that they are compatible with different operating systems and devices. As a result, mobile app compatibility testing should be encouraged.

Flawless App Navigation Needs Usability Testing

The customers use the web or mobile apps and as an outcome, they should traverse to the particular page that the user is finding. It will help them to deliver simple and easy navigation via the app. Therefore, the app permits proper and easy navigation and provides exact output against the input provided by the customer. Hence proven, usability testing of banking apps and web apps is very important.

Active AI application Needs AI Testing

 The banking sector is constantly struggling to incorporate artificial intelligence to allow advanced data analytics. This will decrease fraudulent practises and save main time and costs. According to the various statistics, the business value of artificial intelligence in worldwide banking is expected to reach up to $300billion in 2030. Therefore, AI testing is important to assist the banking sector. This will allow effective AI applications to guarantee innovation and provide desired customer experience.

TestCrew is the one-stop solution for all things that are relevant to software testing. It provides regression testing, testing various iterations of software, bug testing, and quality assurance services. They have the best possible experts who guarantee that the software produced will generate a flawless customer experience.

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