Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Today, the doctors and psychiatrists quickly prescribe psychotropic drugs to patients dealing with stress and brain disorders. Even the patients don’t hesitate in consuming such medications as they look forward to immediate results but hardly do they realize that these drugs come with dangerous side effects that get difficult to undo in the future.

Considering that, lots of cognitive-behavioral therapists are emerging in society to teach patient’s brain a new way of learning and seeing things in the world. They majorly focus on identifying maladaptive thinking patterns and using research-supported approaches to rectify them.

CBT is designed to inculcate self-awareness in a person’s actions and emotions and build an understanding in them to tame their negative thoughts. The treatment is so effective that only after a few sessions, the patient starts to think clearly and rationally and bring out his/her best potential. It is no doubt why cognitive behavioral therapy has become the focus of hundreds of research studies today.

How CBT Therapists Work

The whole concept of CBT is based on the fact that every thought, feeling, and action in your body is interconnected and creating any negative notion in mind can trap you endlessly.

To put simply enough, CBT is more like a talking therapy that helps patients manage their problems and life better just by bringing a positive change in their thought process and behavior.

CBT helps patients deal with a current problem by breaking it into smaller parts and improving the state of mind on a daily basis.

The therapists strongly infuse a core principle that it is not the external situations, people or negative events that result in anxiety and stress. Rather, it is the patient’s reactions towards a particular person or event that affects his/her mood and mental stability.

It investigates patients’ behaviors and inspires them to change their thinking patterns. It uncovers their ability to do well and gain confidence in whatever they do. In short, CBT is entirely aimed at teaching the clients self-counseling skills to improve their quality of life.

Benefits of CBT Sessions

Knowing that an individual is himself responsible for his ideas and behaviors is great news because it means that a patient has got all the power to change and feel better. And the best part is – CBT makes it effective and easier.

CBT sessions have proven to be a constructive way of treating depression or anxiety disorders. Other than that, it offers a variety of benefits like –

  • Managing anger
  • Coping with grief and low times
  • Alleviating chronic pain and muscle tension
  • Overcoming eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia
  • Dealing with sleep problems such as insomnia
  • Reducing addictive behaviors and substance abuse
  • Treating bipolar disorder and OCD
  • Eliminating schizophrenic symptoms
  • Improving self-esteem and confidence

CBT techniques are also beneficial for people with no form of mental illness but suffering from chronic stress, fatigue, bad moods and irritable bowel syndrome.



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