College dorm parties should include these activities

College dorm parties are one of the best parts of going to school. They’re also a giant opportunity to really get to know your roommate. But, partying is not always the healthiest of activities. So, to avoid any potential mishaps, here are some activities that college dorm parties should include.

Sing and dance in the bathroom

Everyone loves a good karaoke session. So, why not put a fun twist on it by throwing an impromptu sing-in in the bathroom? It’s also a great opportunity to get to know your roommate even more as you prepare yourself for the inevitable awkwardness that occurs when you have to sit next to someone else that you’re not ready to talk to.

Use the vents

If your roommate is the only one above your dorm room, it could be a great opportunity to go exploring and see what’s above you. You might be surprised if there are so many other rooms nearby, providing an entertaining view. It’s also a great way to get creative as you combine different types of art—which is always a good trait to practice in an artistic setting.

Hang out in the kitchen

Many people never realize the potential of their kitchen until they get to college. So, use that time in your dorm room to show off all the different gadgets and appliances. Cooking is not only a great way to bond with your roommate, but it’s also a great way for you to get some experience cooking for yourself.

Get active, especially exercise

Sitting down in front of the television, a computer or even doing homework is no longer the best way to pass time. Instead, there are plenty of fun activities that you can do that will help you stay healthy. Start by exploring the gym and see what new exercise machines they have.

Make a list of everything that’s awesome about your roommate

College dorm parties are a great opportunity to get to know your roommate on a deeper level. Start off by making a list of all the things you like about your friend, no matter how silly they seem. For example, you could say that you like the fact that they put a pencil mark on the wall when someone takes the last cup of milk in your living room. Then, share it with them by leaving it on their bed or writing it on their door. While this might not seem like a big deal, it’s one of the closest ways to actually build your friendship and for them to get to know you too. It’s also a great ice breaker.

Finally, college dorm parties are a great opportunity to get to know your roommate on a deeper level. Start off by making a list of all the things you like about your friend, no matter how silly they seem. For example, you could say that you like the fact that they put a pencil mark on the wall when someone takes the last cup of milk in your living room. Then, share it with them by leaving it on their bed or writing it on their door. While this might not seem like a big deal, it’s one of the closest ways to actually build your friendship and for them to get to know you too. It’s also a great ice breaker.

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Your Favorite Things

What’s your favorite show to watch? What kind of music do you like? What kind of food do you like? Every entry in this article was a sampling of what the people that I polled said. So, think about it! This is an opportunity to get to know your roommate on a deeper level.

Why do you like living in the dorms?

Many people say that they like living in housing for multiple reasons. For some, it’s just a convenient way to spend their college career. Others, though, say that there are so many opportunities for people to get to know their roommates on a deeper level and for them to get a unique experience. You never know what you’ll find when you pick what interests you most about your dorm.

What’s your favorite part about living in the dorms?

As mentioned above, many people like living in housing because of how it can be convenient. However, there are plenty of other things that many people love about college dorms as well. Some people just love the way it smells when it’s a bit dusty, others like the fact that they have so many different choices for food and snacks. Still, others say that what they enjoy most about living in housing is meeting their roommate and getting to know them on a deeper level.

As mentioned above, many people like living in housing because of how it can be convenient. However, there are plenty of other things that many people love about college dorms as well. Some people just love the way it smells when it’s a bit dusty, others like the fact that they have so many different choices for food and snacks. Still, others say that what they enjoy most about living in housing is meeting their roommate and getting to know them on a deeper level.

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