Ascorbic acid: Does Your Body Need It?

Among the several nutrients that the human body needs to stay healthy and fit, Vitamin C is one of the most important. According to experts, Vitamin C, another name for ascorbic acid, is very effective and one of the safest nutrients.


This article will discuss all you need to know about Vitamin C. From whether your body needs ascorbic acid to the benefits of this chemical and how it affects your overall health, read on to learn all you have to know about Vitamin C.

What Is Ascorbic Acid?

In scientific terms, ascorbic acid, derived from the French word “acide ascorbique”, is an organic compound with the formula C ₆H ₈O ₆. It is known initially as hexuronic acid. The chemical occurs as a white solid, but its impure forms may also be slightly yellowish.


Ascorbic acid is popularly known as Vitamin C. It is a water-soluble vitamin that dissolves well in water and forms a very mild acidic solution. By its nature, it acts as a mild reducing agent.


Vitamin C is a naturally occurring compound commonly found in citrus fruits. However, it is also found in several other fruits and vegetables. It is an essential nutrient needed by the human body. Ascorbic acid is also sold as a dietary supplement along with its natural sources.

The Uses And Benefits Of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

As we have already mentioned earlier, Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for the human body. To answer the question in the title of this article, ascorbic acid is indeed necessary for the human body.


To begin with, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) is a nutrient that the human body needs for a variety of purposes. So let us look at the most crucial roles of Vitamin C in the human body.


  • Vitamin C is used by the body to form blood vessels, muscles, cartilages, and collagens in the bones.
  • Vitamin C is a vital element for the human body’s healing process.
  • Ascorbic acid helps the body absorb and store iron.


If we understand the nature of this chemical, we will know why our body needs it. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is primarily an antioxidant that aids in protecting cells against the effects of free radicals. These are the molecules produce by your body when it breaks down the food you consume.


These free radicals can also be produce when expose to tobacco smoke, radiation from the sun, X-rays, or a range of other sources. As a result, free radicals can lead to heart diseases, cancer, and various kinds of illnesses.

Why Does My Body Need Ascorbic Acid?


In straightforward terms, it can be say that your body cannot produce vitamin C by itself. This is why it needs to get it from an external source: your diet.

Who Can Face Vitamin C Deficiency?

While most people get enough vitamin C from a healthy diet, Vitamin C deficiency is not entirely unnatural. People who are more prone to this are likely the people who:


  • Smoke or are expose to passive smoking regularly.
  • Have existing gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Have a particular type of cancer.
  • Usually take diets that do not contain any or enough fruits and vegetables.


Severe vitamin C deficiency can lead to a disease known as scurvy. Symptoms of this disease include anemia, bleeding gums, and poor wound healing.

How Much Ascorbic Acid Should You Have?


According to experts, the ideal or recommended daily amount of vitamin C consumed is approximately 90 mg for adult men and 75 mg for adult women.

The Key Benefits Of Ascorbic Acid


  • Ascorbic acid prevents and cures scurvy.
  • It is essential for the repair of tissue and collagen formation, enzymatic production of certain neurotransmitters, etc.
  • It helps the body absorb non-heme iron, the type of iron found in plant food sources like leafy vegetables.
  • A significant benefit of Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is that it boosts the immune system. It helps reduce the impact of free radicals and is also crucial for producing white blood cells known as lymphocytes and phagocytes. It is also a vital part of the skin’s defense system.


Other potential benefits of Vitamin C include:


  • It may reduce the risk of heart disease, high triglycerides, or LDL cholesterol levels.
  • Reduces risks of chronic diseases.
  • Can help in managing high blood pressure symptoms.
  • May help prevent gout attacks.
  • Can help in maintaining blood uric acid levels.
  • Helps in preventing iron deficiency in the human body.

Ending Note

Ascorbic acid, acide ascorbique, or Vitamin C, whatever you may call it, the chemical compound is a very important nutrient for your body and is needed in regulated amounts. Therefore, you must ensure that your body gets the necessary quantity of ascorbic acids through your diet to maintain good health and proper metabolism. These are the best tips for your physical health. You also need .perfect mental health and positive energy in yourself by hypnosis Toronto. We will talk about it in an other topic.




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