5 Tips to Help Boost Your Business on Holiday Occasions

Christmas may seem like a distant memory for many people, but the long trading days and last-minute panic orders are still fresh in their minds for most business owners and manufacturers. And lest you forget, there is another occasion right around the corner: St. Patrick’s Day.


According to research, $2.16 billion will be spent on special occasion gifts and services, with almost $54.21 million spent only on greeting cards. With Easter and Mother’s Day quickly approaching, it’s time to be ready and make the most of these profitable days for your business. This is how you can take advantage of the special days to increase your sales.


Offer Themed Products

Have you ever thought about creating your own one-of-a-kind gift-style set by combining a variety of your products into a gift box for a special occasion? This can help in improving the average spending of your customers and increase your sales!


By theming your products, you can make your customers feel like you are gifting them with something for Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Mother’s Day, or whatever the occasion is. If you’re in the chocolate business, you can try enticing consumers with heart-shaped chocolates on Valentine’s or just providing complimentary gift wrapping for those last-minute orders.


Collaborate With Local Businesses

Consumers constantly seek something unique, therefore adding value to your product by collaborating with another company. For instance, if you are a chocolatier, you can collaborate with a local florist to produce the ideal gift and sell the combined items at a reasonable price. This is an excellent strategy to increase your sales and strengthen your company contacts.


Organize a Competition

If you are looking to interact with customers both in-store and online, you can hold a competition on social media. You may accomplish this in a variety of ways, from inviting your followers to upload images of goodwill acts on Valentine’s Day and sharing their proposal photos!


By gifting the winners, you may encourage people to like and share your page in order to enhance brand exposure and website traffic. This is an excellent method for increasing the number of submissions, and by utilizing a hashtag, you can quickly follow and track the competition activity.


Create a Promotional Offer

Whatever sort of business you have, announcing a promotion and linking it to a significant event will help bring people to your door. Whether you’re a restaurant giving a half-price bottle of Wine or a hairstylist offering a reduced service, you can take advantage of this temporary increase in consumer spending by drawing customers to your establishment with a fantastic value offer.


Use Custom Tissue Paper to Wrap Your Products

We say, ‘never judge a book by its cover,’ but when most of us go shopping, we do precisely that. The appearance of a product is essential for determining its appeal. A product has to look appealing enough to catch a customer’s eye and make them want to pick it up. A staggering 7 out of 10 customers agree that the design of packaging impacts their purchase decisions.


Custom tissue paper is popular on its own, so you can imagine how attractive and attention-grabbing custom printed tissue can be. Tissue paper provides an excellent opportunity to combine all your branding elements, including colors, logo, and tagline, with themed colors and graphics. It’s flashy, fun, and relatively easy to execute.


Special events are a terrific way to differentiate your company from the competition, so get ready because the next one isn’t too far away! Have some fun, express your celebratory and creative sides, and display your brand-new package design in your packaging strategy to earn yourself new customers and increase your sales.


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