Why Is Marriage Certificate Attestation Oman Mandatory?

Marriage registration has become compulsory in almost every country worldwide. It has been done to keep the relationship of marriage as evidence for legal works. After registration, the certificate issued to the couple proves the legal procedure and laws within it. Everyone has to abide by the laws written in the marriage certificate attestation Oman for the marriage time. Couples follow some essential steps within the wedding rituals to get the relationship certified.

Terms of marriage certificate

  • Security to both the persons within the laws of marriage for the society
  • It makes some procedures easier in the country without going through changes
  • Couples can travel abroad without any hurdles by showing a valid visa
  • There are no obligations of hotel accommodations after marriage
  • Purchasing property and availing of loans in joint terms
  • Bank joint accounts for saving money
  • A marriage certificate is compulsory for financial institutions and registration purposes

Religious terms for marriage

  • The marriage certificate attestation Oman act of specific countries differs according to their religion. The Hindu people get married under one law, and another religion is divided into other parts of the law. If both the partners are of a different religion, there is a unique marriage act.
  • If both the partners are Hindu, then Hindu Act will be abided by them.
  • Not all these differences in the marriage law affect the certificate or legal procedure.
  • The registration is equal for everyone, irrespective of one’s religion.

Why has marriage registration become compulsory?


The certificate for Oman embassy attestation acts as evidence of the partner’s last name in legal documents.


The registration marriage documents do not let any man throw away their wife from home. Everyone is bound to act as per the law to prevent court cases and imprisonment. Women can claim compensation or alimony for the torture and stand in court for their self-security.

Illegal works

The marriage registration prevents any partner from being involved in extramarital affairs or marrying another person simultaneously. This work is considered illegal and results in imprisonment.

Child custody

The Oman embassy attestation certificate helps the husband or wife get custody of their child when issues arise. Both the parents are responsible for taking care of their children.


Marriage registration makes the procedure of divorce and related matters easy because of the documents and personal information in the books of law.


One widow can take over the entire property and bank balance of her spouse in case of accidents or natural death with the marriage registration certificate.


The marriage registration helps a person settle with his wife outside the country. The employee must show the certificate to the official authority to get accommodation permission.

Documents required for issuing the certificate

  • Original age of the couple
  • Aadhar card
  • Voter identity card
  • Place and date of marriage hall with pictures
  • Nationality proof or passport
  • Photograph

Final thoughts

Briefly, people will not accept any couple as married without marriage registration certificates. It helps show the actual age of both the partners and the eligibility criteria for marrying with identity cards.

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