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Facebook Home was recently launched for Android devices. However, there are some devices, including tablets and smartphones, including the Google Nexus 7. Interest in this new layout has led to interest in MMS, SMS, applications and other fully integrated Facebook functions. Now the question arises, do you really need it? Let us know when you decide to use everything about Facebook Home on your Samsung Galaxy S III.

Basic nutrition

After installing the application on your smartphone, you will be greeted with rotation status messages, profile picture bridge and a newsletter. To show the application you last used, turn right, go to Messenger on the left, and click Home or to display the application. If you want to go right or left through the newsletter, you can hide your profile picture. Likes and comments on other features. Press and hold to blow an image on your screen.

Integrated messaging and chat leaders

Messenger application lets you combine MMS and SMS messages. It will notify you when you receive an update or message. In the middle of the screen, click to reply to the message that is currently chatting. Chat leaders depend on the number of people they talk to. If you think the screen is tangled with it, scroll down to remove it. But there are some drawbacks. While this may seem like an integrated messaging option, it can sometimes be confusing as to which message you are sending. It’s easy to get confused between texting and texting. In addition, other platforms such as Google Voice, WhatsApp and Kick seem to be popular among young users, so anyone who wants to access them via SMS and MMS. Sometimes, you get annoyed with the chat head bridge and hang on until you shake it or respond to it.

Security issues

Facebook Home sits on your screen and starts tapping after turning on your phone. Friends and their social networks for the people concerned will be updated soon. Let me tell you about nine hippies and their global warming. In any case, if you go to the wrong place or steal your device, anyone can use your Facebook account. To prevent this, you can make changes to Settings, Menu-> Home Settings, check the View Home screen when activating the screen. This restores the functionality of the lock screen. What good is buy real facebook likes Home if you remove updates from your home screen?

Data usage

The data packet needs to be changed regularly to update the source code. As a result, the battery drains faster and the charges increase. Images and updates use a lot of data exchange, so you can change that by changing the settings.

Why don’t you like the Facebook homepage?

Most importantly, Android Jelly Bean keeps it clean. In contrast, with Facebook Home. In addition, folders and widgets are replaced by application drawers, which are quickly divided into four screens, including image, check, status.

The biggest concern is privacy. You do not need permission from the device to install the application’s best site to buy facebook likes. In addition, you will always be logged into your account and your location will be monitored, including downloading applications and applications you use.

Is it dangerous?

True, Facebook Home monitors your activity, phone activity, and downloads. The same is true of Apple and Google, but they look safe because they are good brands. But it’s too early to think that Facebook Home could be harmful.


If you are fully connected to this social networking site, you would love to use it. For those who are not very active on Facebook, this seems to be the biggest problem. Chat leaders, for example, can be confusing, and messaging is another factor. Interestingly, HTC launched its smartphone with Facebook Home, which shows that the app is coming with tech lovers.

read also: how to hide likes on facebook

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