Types of Plumbing Pipes

In ancient times, when people barely learned plumbing, clay and lead pipes were the only alternative to plumbing. But over time, the scope of plumbing has grown with the advent of modernity in the home building industry. In addition to water supply and sewerage, there was a need for separate pipes for home fittings or hot water transport. Moreover, the toxicity caused by the long-term use of lead pipes also makes people think. As a result, one or two pipes for plumbing were abandoned, and various pipes were started. Let us know about the most common plumbing pipes.

Copper or copper pipe

Copper pipe is one of the most widely used pipes for plumbing. There are two types of copper pipes commonly used in plumbing – rigid and flexible. Solid copper pipes are used for water supply, and flexible copper rivets or attachments are used for attachment. However, flexible copper is most used in making water taps. Both types of pipes are available in 15, 16, and 22 mm diameter. However, copper pipes with a diameter of 108 mm are also used for large-scale work.

Galvanized iron pipe

Galvanized iron pipes were once more popular than wrought iron pipes for home fittings, drainage, or water supply. This pipe has a zinc coating so that it does not rust easily and does not lose its brightness over time. Our local park city plumbing company can also provide better services. However, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages of this pipe. First, its durability is low, usually 20-25 years. Lead galvanization is likely to spread lead poisoning in the water in that pipe.

PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) pipe

PVC pipe is one of the most famous names for plumbing today. These pipes are equally used in the home water supply or fitting. Relatively low-cost PVC pipe is pressure tolerant, does not rust, and does not corrode. It is also easy to use as lightweight and easy to cut. The biggest enemy of PVC is heated. Overheating can cause PVC pipes to deform, even burst.

CPVC (Chlorinated PVC) pipe

The difference with PVC pipe can be inferred from its name. CPVC is made by mixing chlorine with PVC pipes. The reason is also conceivable. Additionally, this chlorine makes CPVC pipes heat tolerant. We have an emergency plumber in park city for your better plumbing life. CPVC pipes are heat tolerant up to about 2008 Celsius, low cost, capable of transporting corrosive materials, durable and stress-tolerant. Trouble is fragility. Due to the presence of chloride, these pipes can burst if exposed to prolonged sunlight. So these pipes are usually used for indoor use.

Cross-Linked Polyethylene or Pex Pipe

The specialty of Pex pipe is that it is flexible and can be bent. Like PVC, it is a plastic pipe. Moreover, these pipes are straightforward to cut and attach. The two pipes can be connected by using a rubber barb or extending one mouth over a low flame. In addition to flexibility, heat tolerance and durability are also the qualities of PEX pipe.

However, the problem is that there is a possibility of water pollution. When you supply water to some pex pipes, it becomes smelly.


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