The Ultimate Guide to Hire Flutter App Developers in 2022


Hello Guys! When it comes to hiring flutter app developers, there are plenty of options out there, but finding the right one can be difficult. To help you find the best candidates, this ultimate guide breaks down how to hire flutter app developers in 2022 and beyond. The information provided here will help you have a smoother experience while hiring flutter app developers and guide you through the entire process. I’ve also included some common interview questions you might encounter when hiring flutter app developers along with their answers to help you come up with some smart solutions of your own. Enjoy! Let’s get started!

What is flutter?

flutter is an open source mobile app SDK that helps developers and designers build modern mobile apps for iOS and Android. It’s been around since 2015 and while many people have heard of it, most haven’t used it. In a nutshell, flutter allows you to develop cross-platform apps using single codebase and a single language (Dart). Instead of writing separate codebases in Objective-C/Swift or Java/Kotlin, you write all your code in Dart and leverage platform-specific APIs where needed. This means faster development times with less maintenance overhead.

Things you should know about flutter before hiring

You’ve heard of flutter, you’re convinced that it could be a great fit for your next project. Before you hire flutter developers, here are some important things to know about flutter and flutter app development. At their core, all mobile apps use code and objects called widgets to create interfaces. The most popular frameworks used by mobile app developers today are React Native, Xamarin (for Android), and Ionic (for web). The basics of building applications with these frameworks are similar—they involve creating views with data models, which update when certain events occur or when new data is received. However there are important differences between each framework that can have an impact on your hiring process.

What exactly you need from a flutter app developer?

If you are a startup company, you want to do things your way. You want something that your competitors don’t have. You want something that’s innovative and fresh. Most of all, you want something that doesn’t exist yet. How can a flutter app developer help with all these? Well, it would be easier if we knew what exactly you wanted from them. While writing your project requirements might seem easy enough, there are certain questions that need answers before they can be written down on paper: What technology should I use for my project? What functions does my mobile app need? How will my mobile app earn revenue? Am I looking for a full-time developer or a part-time one?

Tips for finding good flutter developers

In a nutshell, here are some tips for hiring flutter developers

  1. Do not be deceived by claims of expertise. 
  2. Recognize that there is more than one way to skin a cat (make an app). 
  3. Don’t just rely on online reviews and recommendations— they can be easily falsified. 
  4. Get referrals from people you trust, and ask those who are already working with flutter developers if they like their work ethic, commitment and how easy it is to get them on board when something needs attention. 
  5. If you can find a flutter developer who knows exactly what you want before you even know what it is—that’s great! 

How to communicate with your flutter app developer?

At Toptal, we’ve built a database of thousands of hand-picked software developers who are ready and available to start working with you. We also understand that every project is different and comes with its own unique set of requirements. That’s why we developed a customized hiring process – one that puts you at ease, lets us know exactly what your needs are, and helps us find the perfect match for your project or company. Check out some highlights from our hiring process below

How long does it take to hire a flutter app developer?

Depending on whether you’re building a native or hybrid app, hiring flutter app developers can take anywhere from three weeks to six months. This timeline is partially dependent on your development partners, but it’s also dependent on your project scope and requirements. Obviously, if you’re trying to develop an extremely complicated app that requires lots of custom coding, then expect that hiring flutter developers will take longer than usual. On average, however, a flutter app development process should take between four and six weeks; your only real delay will come from outside factors like recruiting difficulties or software dependencies (if there are any). Additionally, don’t forget about testing; make sure you factor that into your timeline as well!


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