The Top 3 Tools to Enhance Your Insights IQ

The tool for discovering insights provides marketers with a comprehensive visual overview of the data that is proprietary as well as research that was commissioned. You can easily filter the data by topic, region, or segmentation to spark innovative strategies and demonstrate innovative ideas. It’s a snackable and shareable data-driven food.

What Are The Best Big Data Tools?

If you’re looking for how to grow your insights IQ with market research experts, then these are the top big data tools to improve analysis.

1. Stats iQ.

StatsIQ provides you with robust analytical tools for statistical analysis.

It’s simple to use and allows you to quickly and efficiently find the right insights using your records.

Although statistics can be important they can also be polarizing and that’s where Stats iQ can cut through the noise.

You don’t have a degree in math or have any prior experience in statistics to benefit from this program.

Without any prior knowledge of statistics, Stats iQ empowers you to look into your data, and discover the answers you seek to make better decisions.

The software performs the appropriate statistical tests and displays the results concisely and clearly and helps you to make sense by analyzing the data you have.

Perfect for companies of all sizes, it allows them to take better decisions based on data, Stats iQ also offers various visualization options to help you comprehend the data you have.

2. Atlas.ti.

Atlas assists you in organizing, analyzing and interpreting qualitative data.

It is utilized by market researchers, social scientists as well as health professionals and many others who must analyze semi-structured, or even unstructured data.

Atlas is a powerful tool that allows you to identify patterns and themes within your data, and create detailed reports.

Created to meet every need, Atlas offers an intuitive user interface, quick data loading, as well as an array of analytical tools.

If you use this program it will be the best program for data analysis qualitatively, which means that no matter what your level of experience you’ll benefit from the management of your information.

It comes with Windows as well as Mac desktop versions, which can draw data from a variety of sources of data, Atlas is a great instrument for your qualitative data analysis requirements.

3. Openrefine.


Best For Cleaning And Transforming Data.

Openrefine (previously Refine from Google) Refine) is an effective tool for data cleansing and transformation.

It is utilized by government agencies, companies as well as individuals who want to make more use of their information.

If you’re looking to collect your data that is a mess and transform them into valuable information Openrefine is the right tool for you.

Additionally, you can also keep your information secure and private thanks to Openrefine’s built-in security tools.

This means that regardless of the type of data you’ve got, Openrefine can help you to get the most value out of it.

With fifteen languages Openrefine is the ideal tool for anyone looking to make the most of their data and gain practical use of it in their work.


Consumers are the ones who make the world of marketing spin. If you don’t know their language, you’re throwing time and money away. With tools for customer intelligence, it is possible to ensure that you are making your mark each time, building on existing customer relationships as well as providing new opportunities to grow your brand. Contact us to request a demonstration and witness the power of consumer intelligence in real-time. 

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