The Ingrown Nail: What Does A Podiatrist Do


The podiatrist in Tarzana performs many different functions, but one of the most common is the conventional treatment for ingrown toenails. These allow eliminating the piece of spicule that penetrates inside the finger. Likewise, once the treatment is finished, it usually recommends the use of antibiotics, among other tasks.

The ingrown nail, also called Onicrociposis, produces pain, redness, and inflammation, acting like a foreign body. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that a foot doctor in Tarzana treats this anomaly. When these cases occur, it usually affects the big toe and the rest of the phalanges to a lesser degree.

There are two types of ingrown nails:

  1. Side: It is the most common.
  2. Anterior: It appears when the nail grows forward.

The nail is a structure made of calcium and keratin. Its main function is to protect the nerve endings of the foot by acting as a barrier. Nails need special attention and care to avoid complications, and it is best to visit the podiatrist Tarzana at least once a year. The most common causes of ingrown toenails are the following:

  • Bad formations in the nails
  • Pathologies such as osteoarthritis and infections
  • Trauma
  • Use of inappropriate footwear
  • Bad cut of the nails
  • Wrong-way of stepping
  • Constant and repetitive pressure in the area
  • Recommendations to avoid ingrown toenail
  • Use suitable footwear
  • Get a good nail cut
  • Go to the podiatrist regularly

Likewise, regarding the treatment for the infection, it should be noted that there is a traditional treatment that consists of making a smooth cut (with a scalpel) on the edge of the affected nail. Afterward, techniques known to specialists are applied so that the nail follows its normal course and does not dig in again. The effectiveness of the treatment also depends on the morphology of the nail.

On the other hand, surgical treatment consists of performing outpatient surgery by the podiatrist, which is performed when conservative treatment has no effect.

What does a podiatrist in Tarzana do with fungal toenails?

The podiatrist recommends something topical to the patient, but if it recurs, he will start with oral treatment, conducting the corresponding tests to check for alterations. The most common means of infection for toenail fungus is the humidity that increases due to excessive sweating or poor feet drying.

This pathology is also common in frequent sports areas such as locker rooms, public showers, and swimming pools. Protecting the foot in these areas is necessary, but a foot fungus does not always appear due to contagion. It can also be due to hot conditions and temperatures.

What other tasks does a foot doctor in Tarzana do?

One of the diagnoses that a foot doctor makes for toenail fungus is athlete’s foot, which commonly occurs in people whose foot is very sweaty and locked up in tight shoes. The symptoms are a rash that causes flaking, itching, and burning. What is alarming is that since it is extremely contagious, it can spread through contaminated floors, towels, or clothing. So be watchful.

Onychomycosis is another fungal infection. This mainly affects the toenail and can coincide with the athlete’s foot. In most cases, onychomycosis is caused by fungi called dermatophytes, which come from the soil, another person, or an animal, especially in humid environments.

What are specialized courses in foot treatment? Are you considering any?

Would you like to take any of the Tarzana podiatry courses? With it, you will be able to continue specializing in this branch of medicine and training yourself in the basic knowledge to be the best possible professional. Although they are not courses that enable you to practice as such, since you must have a degree in medicine and the specialization of the MIR, they will help you be a complete professional. In addition, all the online courses in Podiatry can be done from home. How and when you want!


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