Simple habits that may worsen your anxiety!

Living with anxiety can be difficult. Anxiety is a common mental health issue that is affecting people worldwide. Trauma, stress and other external factors are most often the culprits of anxiety. While it may occur due to aspects you can’t control, your habits can impact your anxiety levels. People who suffer from anxiety may indulge in activities detrimental to their mental well-being. Learning about these and avoiding them can help you control your anxiety from worsening.

5 Surprising Daily Habits that worsen anxiety

1.     Sleep deprivation

Any Psychiatrist in Islamabad will advise you to get enough sleep if you have anxiety. Your sleep pattern can influence your overall health, including mental health. Feeling anxious or stressed can keep you up at night, leading to a lack of sleep. While it may not seem like a big deal, lack of sleep can imbalance your hormones or make you feel edgy, leading to more anxiety. Anxiety can make it hard for you to sleep, but the following steps can help make you sleep:

  • Meditation
  • Physical activity during the day
  • Reading a book
  • Listening to soft music

2.     Physical inactivity

When you’re feeling down, you may struggle with going out and hitting the gym. Physical activity or exercise releases feel-good endorphins that combat stress. Stress triggers anxiety. Keep your lifestyle active by working out at least thirty minutes a day. Motivate yourself to work out or do any activity such as running, walking, or swimming to decrease your anxiety levels.

3.  Caffeine overload

Some people find it difficult to function without getting their caffeine kick in the morning or during the day. If you’re one of them, you are setting yourself up for disaster. Caffeine may not be as harmful to people in comparison to anxiety sufferers. Moreover, consuming caffeine in high amounts can disrupt your sleep and increase anxiousness. Switch your coffee or tea with decaffeinated drinks to calm your anxiety.

4.  Messed up work-life balance

It’s good to have a busy schedule and an active lifestyle, but too much work or excessive unproductivity can contribute to your anxiety. Overburdening yourself with work not only impacts your relationships but also makes you feel more anxious as well. Overcommitting yourself to a routine can increase stress. To keep your stress levels in check, take short breaks during work to not overstress yourself. Working after office hours can also tire you out and take a toll on your mental health.

5.  Social media addiction

Social media keeps us up-to-date and connects us with the world. A lot of our leisure time is spent on our phones checking our feeds or posting a picture. You may not be aware that staying on social media for long periods leads to higher anxiety levels in various ways. Social media may lead to anxiety because:

  • It delivers bad news
  • It sets unrealistic beauty and status standards
  • It takes up a lot of your productive time

Adopt mindful habits when it comes to social media. Ensure that you don’t overindulge yourself in your news feed. Remind yourself to stop by putting on an alarm for 10 to 15 minutes. Take time to unwind and rest when you’re free. Taking off days from social media may be worthwhile as it can lower your stress.

Living with anxiety

Altering your lifestyle to avoid these anxiety triggers can help you. But, if your anxiety is getting out of control, consult top psychiatrists from Mid City Hospital. They can help you identify your triggers and guide you on the treatment if required.

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