Like the basic parameters of an Excel IDE

Today, many reporting tools claim to support document creation, such as Excel. So what is a real Excel record IDE? Today we will discuss this issue from both sides.

  1. What are the main functions of an IDE report like Excel?
  2. According to report information features, what are the lengthy functions of an IDE report such as Excel?

In general, programmers and end users are familiar with turbo c++ download, and programmers often intend to report in Excel format. The main objectives are to obtain complex reporting forms and to improve the efficiency of reporting. For convenience, reporting tool companies should be as close to Excel usage patterns as possible. In other words, in addition to the Excel look, they need to spend more time on details to improve the performance of the service.

I think an IDE report that supports designs like Excel should have the following functions:

Say the name of the cell

Sales in Excel are listed horizontally and vertically. If another naming method is found, on the one hand it is very unfortunate and on the other hand it causes some difficulty in editing the expression.

Key features of the cell

Key features include font, font size, color, border, preview, background, full line or column or table style, color scheme, etc.

Editing cell content

The written format of the focus should be the same as in Excel. For example, “= sum (A3 + B5)”. When rows or columns are inserted or removed, the effects should change automatically without manual updates.

As the content/expression of a cell grows longer to display, all content/expression can be sent to the lower version of the tool.

Special functions

Provide a number of shared features, and save several interfaces for users to add their own special functions.

Importing and exporting Excel files.

Typically, users have Excel report forms, and they are used to exporting records to Excel after statistics. Therefore, users should be allowed to import and export Excel files.

Selenium IDE or Selenium Integrated Development Environment is a simple software testing tool developed by the Apache Software Foundation. Described as the fastest and easiest test database, Selen Automation users do not need a thorough knowledge of programming and technical aspects. However, a basic understanding of HTML and JavaScript will help when working with tools.

Download and install the plugin

Selen IDE is an open source application that can be downloaded for free from Selen’s official website. Here it is.

The first and foremost requirement for working with this automation test is the Firefox browser.

In addition to the official Selen website, you can download it from the ‘Applications’ option in the Firefox web browser.

When Firefox opens, press CTRL + Shift + A on the keyboard, and a new clip will open.

Now type ‘Selen IDE’ in the search box on the right. You can find a list of relevant additions.

Select the plugin you want to install.

Due to the large number of applications, you may want to download the framework from the ‘Downloads’ page on the Selen website to avoid confusion.

Selenium interface features

After installing the plugin, you will need to restart your browser. You are now ready for the test. You will see the Selenium IDE option in the “Tools” tab of your Firefox browser.

When you open the Selenium window, you will see a menu bar, a URL bar, a toolbar, an editor, a test bar and a log barn.

Menu bar

The menu bar contains files, editing, running, options, and sub-menus. The File menu lets you create new ones, open existing ones, and save existing test cases. You can export test cases and computers to other programming languages ​​using Selenium RC and WebDriver.

You can add a new command in the edit menu and comment on the test cases you are currently working on.

The Kriya menu allows you to record, run, pause, and restart test cases at any time. You can also set a stop and a starting point for the current Test series.

The Options menu provides several options to simplify and improve the test environment. Testers can use this menu to improve test results.

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