In What Ways Does Delta 8 Help With Muscle Recovery?

Workouts have never been a walk in the park and come with multiple challenges. Top on the list is muscle soreness, whose level varies from one athlete to another.


On the bright side, there are numerous ways to overcome this issue. One is through Delta 8 in all the correct doses and application methods. As much as this market is flooded with counterfeits, consumers should be on the lookout.
There are quality brands that deliver real results. Here are ways in which Delta 8 helps with muscle recovery.

Act As Pain Relievers


Delta 8 THC is a derivative of THC, the main active compound in Cannabis Sativa L. Delta-8 THC alone does not bind cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2). Only after it becomes metabolized by your enzymes can it activate the cannabinoid receptors.
That process mainly occurs in the liver and the skeletal muscle tissue. Several physiological effects occur when these cannabinoid receptors are activated inside our bodies.
The most important one is the inhibition of neurotransmitters that prolong the pain, for example, acetylcholine in case of multiple sclerosis or glutamate when it comes to neurodegenerative diseases.
Other neurotransmitters can be suppressed as well, for example, dopamine in Parkinson’s disease or norepinephrine in case of anxiety or stress. Cannabinoid receptors (CB1) are present on post-synaptic membranes of skeletal muscle cells.


They can be activated by delta-8 THC after it becomes metabolized inside our body, leading to the inhibition or suppression of different neurotransmitters. This can lead to muscle relaxation and pain relief and trigger the release of certain neurotransmitters, which improves mental performance.

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Relaxes Muscle Cells


Skeletal muscle tissue is a vital organ in our bodies. It takes up most of our muscles and, as you may know, it’s the one responsible for movement. When we want to move a part of our body, skeletal muscle cells contract, allowing us to pick up a coffee or scratch an itch on the back. But what happens when we don’t want to move anymore?


When the job is done, our skeletal muscle cells relax. This is also where Delta 8 THC can play a role. The physiology of skeletal muscle has been studied for decades. Contraction in the skeletal muscles is achieved by increasing calcium ions inside skeletal muscle cells leading to their shortening (myosin and actin filaments overlap, sarcomere shortens).


Relaxation is caused by an increase of Potassium ions inside skeletal muscle cells leading to their lengthening. The activity of different ion channels regulates both processes. Delta 8 THC can as well help with that.


When you want to buy Delta 8 carts for recovery, dig deeper and understand how genuine products should work in your body. Delta-8 THC activates certain ion channels that can trigger relaxation.

woman in black tank top sitting on brown wooden bench

Inhibit Certain Neurotransmitters


Delta-8 THC can also inhibit neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, glutamate, and glycine from binding to their specific receptors inside the skeletal muscle tissue. This can also lead to a relaxation of skeletal muscle tissues.


All in all, delta-8 THC can help with muscle spasticity as it positively affects skeletal muscle tissues both from a physiological and pharmacological point of view.


Thanks to delta-8 THC’s effects on anion channels inside our muscles, potassium ions are released, which leads to increased calcium ion concentration within the cells.


This triggers the physiological process in figure 2, which results in skeletal muscle relaxation (removal of stimuli). Additionally, delta-8 THC also inhibits neurotransmitters like acetylcholine or glycine from binding to their specific receptors to induce relaxation of skeletal muscle tissues.

Possesses Neuroprotective Properties


Delta 8 increases the production of NMDA receptors in the hippocampus, contributing to learning and memory. It also encourages the production of myelin sheaths, which are coverings around neurons that protect them.


It is neuroprotective, meaning it protects brain cells from damage or stressors. The unique properties of Delta 8 have been shown to assist with the repair and recovery of muscle fibers after workouts.


It promotes neuromuscular activity, reducing the frequency of neurons firing while simultaneously increasing their intensity. This encourages more efficient communication between neurons and muscles, particularly when electrical impulses travel across motor neurons to contract a muscle fiber.


Delta 8 can also pass the blood-brain barrier, allowing for direct uptake by brain cells. In animal studies, brain uptake of Delta-8 is four times greater than its concentration in the plasma after ingestion.

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Enhances Muscle Growth


When compared with whey protein supplements which also show an anabolic effect on skeletal muscle, it is clear that delta 8’s products are more potent. Six grams of Creatine monohydrate per day has been shown to enhance muscle mass and strength, but it takes 10 grams of Creatine monohydrate plus 2 grams of delta 8 for similar muscle growth.


The mechanism behind this proposed effect is delta 8’s ability to increase myelin sheaths and neuromuscular activity and neuroprotective effects that limit the accumulation of free radicals and superoxides in the blood following exercise.

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Delta 8 is a timely addition to the list of muscle recovery options being used around the world today. Studies and research are still ongoing to unravel more of delta 8’s pleasant mysteries. Its contribution to muscle recovery is worthwhile since more athletes find good reasons to keep working towards their ultimate goal.

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