How to SSO for HubSpot Login

When you use SSO, you can prevent unauthorized access to Hubspot by assigning specific permissions to certain users. This includes customizing permissions, 2FA, and password protection. These measures will ensure that only those users with a legitimate business account can access your accounts. You may also want to restrict the access to certain parts of Hubspot, such as sales. For example, you can restrict access to sales, contact, and deal records.

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SSO for Hubspot login is a great way to streamline your company’s security policies. Unlike other login services, SSO allows you to add more than one user to one account and keeps them all on the same page. This also simplifies password resets, as administrators don’t have to remember different passwords for everyone. The SSO provider manages security for you, meaning fewer calls for your staff.

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To enable SSO for Hubspot login, first set up an enterprise account. To configure your account, you must have an email attribute set on your Hubspot user. To enable SSO for Hubspot login, you must be on Windows Server 2008, 2012, or 2019 and have a domain-managed identity provider. A qualified IT administrator can set this up for you. The administrator should have experience creating applications in the identity provider account.

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If you want all users to use two-factor authentication to access your HubSpot account, you can require this option by editing your account defaults. To do this, go to the settings icon in your main navigation bar and select “Account Defaults”. In the Login section, look for the Require Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) checkbox. To enable two-factor authentication for all users, click Yes in the dialog box that appears.

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Once you have successfully registered, you can set up two-factor authentication using Google Authenticator or SMS. You can also use Authy, which lets you set up this authentication through a smartphone. Download the app and open it on your device. Once you’ve completed the setup process, simply capture the QR code and launch the app. After that, click “Add Account” to verify your identity. Your login will be verified with your mobile device.

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Customizing permissions

One of the most effective ways to keep everyone on the same page is to customize your HubSpot login permissions. Regardless of whether you have one user or a team of users, you can limit their access to certain areas and roles. As a result, you can avoid accidentally setting permissions that aren’t relevant to the tasks that need to be performed. Here are some tips for customizing your login permissions:

Once you have access to the “Accounts” tab, you can create and assign permissions to your users. This way, you can determine which users are allowed to see which dashboards. It is important to remember that you can assign specific permissions to team members or to the entire parent team. For example, a user can be allowed to view dashboards only for his or her team members. The same goes for teams.


Password protection

One way to keep sensitive information private is to install a password protection for your Hubspot login page. You can set up a password on any page of the CMS, and only members will be able to access the content. This means that your contact information, such as usernames and passwords, will never be shared with third parties. Password protection also prevents people from looking up your contact’s information in search engines.

Another way to increase security is to enable two-factor authentication for your Hubspot login. Using two-factor authentication, when someone tries to log in to your account, they’ll need to verify their identity with a linked or physical device. This significantly reduces the risk of unwanted access. To enable two-factor authentication, go to the Settings menu and click Security. Then, follow the on-screen instructions.

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