How to re-enter working life after parental leave

In Germany, mothers and fathers have the great fortune of parental leave. After the birth of the child, both parents can go on parental leave for weeks to years and then switch back to work. Although more and more fathers are taking advantage of this opportunity, it is still primarily an issue that affects mothers. Most of the time, they stay at home longer than the male parent.

For everyone who takes parental leave,soup mug with lid and spoon it is important to know what their rights are when they return to work. In principle, there is a right to an “equivalent job”. This prevents a worse position after returning to the company, especially with regard to the salary. It is best to think about your re-entry during pregnancy. A new start in another company or profession must also be well thought out because for this you need attractive application documents such as a CV and job references.

Organize your return to work early

Planning is the be-all and end-all when re-entering the company. It is best to start organizing the return to the company during your pregnancy. In this way, you have enough time to discuss the working conditions and can fully concentrate on parental leave. In addition, the timing is ideal because you are still in the company. So your supervisor does not yet know how things will go without you in the department.

Before talking about re-entry, you should think about what your professional future should look like. Would you like to work part-time first? Collect suggestions on which projects you could take on and how the remaining tasks can be distributed. Always be aware of your value to the company without immediately shying away from compromise.

Do not seal off during parental leave

Most mothers return to work after twelve to 24 months. That’s a long time when you don’t have to deal with your colleagues and your supervisor best coffee mug on a daily basis. Make sure that contact does not break off during parental leave. Anyone who shows interest in the company will be welcomed with open arms after the end of parental leave. In addition, the re-entry is also easier for you, because the colleagues have not become foreign to you. Ideally, you know what has happened in the company and are up to date with the corridor radio. If you work in a rapidly changing industry, it can help to acquire new qualifications and attend further training during parental leave.

Planning a job return in the family

When returning to work, you should not only consider professional aspects. Of course, your family life will also change as a result of your re-entry. Your partner needs to know that too. During parental leave, many quickly get used to the classic image of the working father and the hard-working housewife and mother. When returning to work, it must be clear to both parents that they must be equally involved in the upbringing of the child and family organization. A great help is a daycare place, so be sure to take care of it in good time. Childminders or au pairs can also contribute to the relief.

Children are unpredictable

No matter how well prepared you are, children are unpredictable. Especially in infancy, they need a lot of attention and also get sick quickly. Therefore, be sure to prepare an emergency plan. Do you have to go home unplanned in the afternoon? Maybe you can make up for the lost hours the next day as overtime. Don’t be afraid and talk openly with colleagues and executives about this topic. So you can start back to work much more relaxed.

for more information: Picuki

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