How to find the right product in our wireless smoke detector comparison

Smoke detectors are now mandatory in many apartments. A good choice is networked wireless smoke detectors. If one of these sounds an alarm,best automatic cigarette rolling machine other devices also trigger the warning beeps. Especially in large apartments, this function proves to be useful.

When buying, avoid devices with replaceable batteries, as their lifetime is usually limited to only one year. If you want to test a wireless smoke detector, a model with a lithium-ion battery is recommended. This lasts over ten years. Read our purchase advice to find out which other purchase criteria you should pay attention to.


Buying advice: How to find the right product in our wireless smoke detector comparison

The most important in a nutshell

In large apartments and houses, wireless smoke detectors can be real lifesavers. Your alarm runs through all rooms, warning of a fire you might not otherwise notice.

The smoke detectors are available to buyers with classic or permanently installed lithium-ion batteries. The latter is the better choice, as they last longer and do not need to be replaced.

You can network up to 15 wireless smoke detectors with each other. Depending on the provider, the necessary components are already integrated into the smoke detector or must be retrofitted by the user.

Smoke detectors are a sensible purchase, as they emit a warning sound in the event of a fire and can wake you up at night, for example. Particularly popular are wireless smoke detectors, which can be networked with each other.

Wireless smoke detector tests 2022 recommend models with a permanently installed lithium-ion battery. These do not need a battery change over a period of ten years or more.

Wireless smoke detectors are used in large apartments

The radio-networkable smoke detectors from tests are particularly suitable for single-family homes and large apartments. If there is smoke in a room and a normal smoke detector strikes, it may happen that you overhear the alarm in a faraway room. The wireless smoke detectors can be networked with each other. The advantage: if a smoke detector strikes, the alarm also sounds on all other models.

As a result, the alarm signal – depending on the number of their wireless smoke detectors – runs through the entire apartment. Furthermore, the devices have an optical sensor. This is already triggered by light smoke and provides an alarm signal before a possible fire can spread.

In the sensor of a smoke detector, there is a small infrared lamp. This is permanently lit. As soon as smoke particles penetrate and obstruct the infrared light beam, an alarm is automatically triggered. This is done by scattering the light and automatically hitting a photodiode.

To protect your four walls from a fire, you can install the networkable wireless smoke detectors individually or as a wireless smoke detector set. The warning detectors act as a safety alarm system in the event of a fire – thanks to the networked radio, they also trigger an alarm as soon as a device registers smoke. That is, you can hear the alarm signal even if the affected room is at the end of the apartment.

Especially in the children’s room, a bedroom-compatible wireless smoke detector is an advantage. best cigarette machine the reason is: Many children are not awakened by the alarm signal of a normal smoke detector. With the help of the radio-networked devices, parents can hear the alarm and bring their offspring to safety.

If you decide to buy a wireless smoke detector set, calculate one device for each room. In the kitchen and bathroom, you should refrain from the assembly, as it comes here in everyday life to a normal smoke development. You can buy the wireless smoke alarm system in different sets, for example:


  • Wireless smoke detector set of 3
  • Wireless smoke detector set of 6
  • Wireless Smoke Detector Set of 10