Get The Top CRM Software in Pakistan at Cost-Effective Price

Some Signs You Need a CRM Software in Pakistan

When the business is just at the start, there are very few orders. But as the company grows, so will the number of customers. As a result, there will come a moment when it will become difficult and too costly to process the entire incoming flow of clients in manual mode. We tell you how to understand that such a moment has come in your company.

It’s time for a business to start a CRM system if:

  • You are draining leads due to a lack of time and resources to process them – you are simply losing potential customers.
  • You have a sales department, but it is difficult for you to evaluate and control the effectiveness of its work.
  • It is difficult for you to analyze the effectiveness of your business.
  • You need a single, shared data source for all customer interactions with your business.
  • The support service does not work proactively, identifying customer needs but spends a lot of time-solving existing problems.
  • You want to personalize communication with customers, but you do not have enough data.
  • Reporting takes a lot of time but does not give an understanding of the company’s productivity.
  • Change of personnel negatively affects your sales, as new employees take a long time to get up to speed.
  • It would be best to build long-term relationships with customers, suppliers, and employees.

What tasks does a CRM system solve – we explain with an example

Let’s analyze the principle of work and the tasks that CRM software solves using the example of businessman A. He sells air conditioners online and installs them. He has a wide range of products and several employees in his subordination. Previously, A had few clients, so he managed to do everything. There was even time to call back customers to confirm the order personally. But then he managed to agree with Cooper & Hunter to supply air conditioners and air humidifiers. The equipment was of good quality and wholesale prices. Orders poured in with unimaginable force.

A kept records in an Excel spreadsheet, but the number of columns and pages grew, and with them his bewilderment. He did not understand how to keep all the information in his head and keep track of every step of his employees, forgot to call back customers, and took money for orders but sent them a week later. The quality of communication also deteriorated, as A’s employees did not always communicate information to each other promptly. Some customers received several duplicate emails, and social media posts appeared in a chaotic pattern.

After two months of such work, A realized that it was necessary to optimize business processes. So the decision was made to implement a CRM software, which he got in the end.

Task management.

 CRM software allows you to create tasks for each client, assign an executor, and set deadlines. Now all A’s employees know when to call the client back to agree on the installation date of the air conditioner, upload a post on Facebook, send a commercial offer, organize cargo transportation, and much more. Moreover, the program itself reminds you of the planned cases. It is enough to specify the method of receiving the notification – SMS, instant messenger, mail, or messages within the system.

Financial control.

 After installing the CRM software, financial management does not cause A problems. He and the employee issue invoices in a couple of clicks. The program captures all incoming and outgoing payments, links them to specific projects, and issues detailed reports on the movement of funds. Now A knows precisely when to pay for the rent of warehouse space and make purchases of goods, how much the client has already paid for installing an air conditioner, and how much he must pay extra.

The CRM software is convenient because it automatically allows you to send emails and publish posts on social networks. A’s clients receive emails about discounts before these discounts run out, and seats are released when the target audiences are most active. Through integration with telephony, the sales team has access to information on all conversations with customers, which allows them to resolve user problems quickly.

Workflow automation.

 With the help of CRM software in Lahore Pakistan, A and his employees create documents according to templates, which reduces the time for the daily routine. All files are in electronic storage to which they have shared access.

You are tracking key performance indicators (KPIs).

 When things went up, A hired more employees, particularly sales managers. To monitor their productivity, he assigns them a quota of closed sales and air-conditioning deals. The system monitors these processes and indicates task completion status in percentage terms. A is a good boss, but they say goodbye if the employee’s KPI is below the established norm.


 The system monitors the efficiency of the enterprise, collects analytical data in real-time, and provides them in the form of tables and graphs. A analyzes up-to-date information and, based on this data, optimizes specific processes in the company.

The CRM system has become a lifeline for A’s business. Now he does not have to come to the office every day. Employees know their tasks, no one breaks deals, sales conversion is growing, and there are more and more satisfied customers.

Having implemented a CRM system, A noticed that many users abandon the cart right before placing an order. Then he realized that he did not have enough payment instruments on his site and connected Ladder CRM.

If you want to set up fast and uninterrupted payment in your store, be like A – connect Ladder CRM.

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