Dog Care Lessons: Knowing All About Elimination Diet

Is your pooch dealing with a food allergy? If yes, consider modifying its diet after taking your vet’s advice and monitor for health changes. If you don’t know what food ingredient is causing the allergy then elimination diet is an option to consider.

An elimination diet helps identify the protein or carb causing an allergy in your pet pooch. If the allergic symptoms slowly vanish over a few weeks after following this diet, you can be assured that the particular protein or carb consumed is not causing the allergy.

Canine specialists often recommend this diet for two to three months if a puppy is dealing with skin-related diseases and about a month if it is dealing with gastrointestinal issues. Sometimes the recovery process can take a couple of months, so don’t become demotivated and give up on the diet.

At the same time, consider being equipped with pet insurance so that handling unplanned vet costs is much easier. Dog insurance covers a furry baby for accidental injuries, allergies, particular illnesses, dental conditions and much more, which is why you must contemplate purchasing a policy.

Meanwhile, read this article to learn how an elimination diet works.

The main goal of the elimination diet is to identify food ingredients that are triggering an allergy in your pet dog. When your four paws is put on this diet, it is given only a novel protein source, i.e. one that your puppy’s immune system is not been exposed to before.

For instance, hare, ostrich, kangaroo, and horse proteins are usually tolerated. Along with a protein, a carbohydrate is offered for a few weeks in succession. This method ensures the little pupper is adequately nourished through a controlled diet.

The diet is designed so that it helps create the zero level for your vet to work from as they try to catch the allergy-causing ingredient.

Your vet will guide you to go back to basics. Start offering your furry baby just kibble; after a considerable period, you can begin adding your puppy’s favorite snacks or treats, but in a controlled fashion, so you know what could lead to an allergy.

Gradually add one or two proteins to its meal and check for any adverse health reactions. Persistent monitoring can help identify the trouble-causing food items and eliminate them from your pooch’s diet.

Your vet might advise following the diet for three to four months and ask you to maintain a journal to track your pet’s eating habits, including food type, volume, and mealtime. Reintroduce normal food items slowly into your puppy’s diet, and do it one at a time.

You can even add easily digestive fruits into your four paws’ regular meals. Consider starting with bananas as it promotes digestion and bowel movement. At all times, keep an eye out for food intolerance and signs of sickness.

Proteins like beef, chicken, lamb, eggs, milk, dairy products, peanuts, soy, wheat, and seafood often trigger allergies in canine fur babies. Identify and isolate the ingredient, and then consider buying commercial pet food items that don’t contain the allergy-causing item.

Simultaneously consider being prepared with pet insurance so you can tackle unanticipated health issues like this more effectively. Contemplate purchasing dog insurance so your furry pet has medical cover during challenging times of health, with minor economic implications for you.

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