Does Insurance Cover Addiction Rehab?

Sadly, we live in a world where some people have to deal with addiction, either because of past mistakes or because of decisions made consciously back in the day. Regardless of the nature behind such a situation, it is always something that can considerably affect people, sometimes in a way that has a very palpable chance of ruining their lives.

Why can addiction ruin someone’s life, you ask? Well, because it can make you lead a life that is completely overwhelmed by the desire to consume something, and this desire surpasses the effort you put into friends, family, studies, work, ambitions, and dreams, occasionally making you an unbearable person that cannot function properly in society’s common standards.

One of the saddest things about addiction is that it can make a person a very unmotivated individual with little to no capacity to handle life and its many trials. Usually, it can also make you an extremely complicated person to handle, sometimes because of excessive aggressiveness, and other times because of self-harming behavioral patterns.

Alcohol addiction, for example, is a very common substance that causes dependency in people, and there’s an undeniable link between both alcohol dependency and domestic abuse, as showcased at

More Than it Shows

And this is only the tip of the iceberg. The problem known as addiction is a lot more complicated than this because it has different faces and can influence people on many distinct levels.

Sometimes, people have the luck of being capable enough to handle their addiction problems by themselves! I say luck is involved because sadly, we cannot decide how mentally strong we are, mainly because past experiences play a key role in this. There is also the fact that expertise such as resilience, discipline, as well as mental fortitude, are things that we must train ourselves, a practice that, unfortunately, is not common in today’s society.

This is the main reason people going through addiction often rely on rehabilitation, either because they decided it themselves, or a family member or a friend decided it for them, and although this might sound a little bit excessive, it is quite common to find situations in which the family takes the sacrifice for the individual, only because it is the best for them.

Understanding the Challenges of Rehabilitation

Although rehabilitation is considered one of the best treatments for addiction problems, it is by far 100% effective. This is only because of the nature of addiction itself and the way it affects people.

You see, addiction is both a mental and physical disease. Mentally speaking, it triggers people into believing that they cannot function if they do not consume the substance behind the dependency. 

In the case of people addicted to alcohol, the drink itself is capable of tricking the brain into generating dopamine, often called the pleasure neurotransmitter, and the more you drink, the more of it you generate, until you eventually develop a tolerance toward alcohol, making you drink more and more until you reach to point of becoming an alcoholic, someone who needs alcohol to feel “happy” or “at peace”

Of course, if you are interested in more detailed information about it, you can check out this article for a more insightful take on the matter.

Taking the example of alcoholism, what do you think happens when someone that is considered an alcoholic, stops drinking? Well, the entire range of symptoms the person will deal with is often called withdrawal.

Withdrawal is the combination of physical responses of the body when a substance is no longer consumed over a certain period. It has different phases based on the amount of time spent without consuming it, ranging from 1st phase (The first 24 hours), 2nd phase (after the first 24 hours), and 3rd phase (after at least 2 weeks have passed).

The symptoms of the withdrawal depend entirely on the substance consumed, some of them being a lot more addictive and stronger than others. In the case of alcohol, the usual symptoms people face include vomiting, headaches, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, excessive trembling and sweating, lack of appetite, problems with sleeping, and increased anxiety which can lead to depression.

Because of said symptoms, the biggest challenge of rehabilitation is having the patient go through the entire process, especially because some patients might even consider the rehabilitation process as a form of torture. The right approach and the right practices are what differentiates good rehabilitation facilities from others, and here’s where insurance might help.

Insurance and Rehab Coverage

Choosing the right insurance facility is essential to ensure the expected outcome. This can be difficult, and the fact that some treatments are considerably expensive makes it even harder. But when you rely on health care insurance to reduce costs, things become a lot easier to handle. 

Even then, finding the perfect provider can be complicated, but you can always check out UMR insurance drug rehab if you want a good example of what you should be looking for, and why.

Although not all insurance policies do cover rehabilitation benefits, a lot of them do, especially when it comes to private providers. This is because rehabilitation is a type of health treatment, and addiction is considered a health problem, thus, easily entering the plethora of healthcare one can receive from an insurance policy. However, it is still important to do your research and look for the options that do provide coverage for rehabilitation.

Ideally speaking, a health care insurance provider that also covers rehab treatment, should:

  • Make it easier to find a facility near your area
  • Facilitate the creation of appointments to decide the type of rehabilitation to engage
  • Greatly enhance the process of residential care, regardless of whether it is short-term or long-term
  • Reduce the struggles when it comes to finding and paying for medication if needed
  • Provide access to therapies, counseling, and a safe environment where the patient can thrive and get motivated

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