The complex and in some ways problematic concept of Digital Transformation , a step now established as necessary for the evolution of the market , also passes (and perhaps above all) from the ability to interpret data . On the other hand, the current era offers the most adequate technological tools for measuring practically anything : just think that, today, the volume of data generated in 48 hours is equal to the amount of information produced by all humanity by the beginning of time until 2003.

Impressive, don’t you think?

Starting from these bases, it is therefore easy to understand how a correct interpretation (but also selection and discernment) of the accumulated data represents a potential source of wealth for companies . Although data are intangible by their very nature, they represent real assets – so much so that they are even considered ” the oil of the new millennium “.

According to what was published in recent months by Wired magazine , a recent study by Capgemini would state that about 60% of financial companies in North America believe in the competitive advantage determined by data, while the percentage of affirmative answers rises to 90% to the question: Will the data determine the future leaders of the financial industry? “.

In confirmation of this thesis, IDC – the first group in the world for market research – reports that in 2013 the total value of the world data market was equal to 12.6 billion dollars .

In a nutshell, therefore, it is essential that all companies – regardless of their scope, size, level and sector – learn the know-how necessary to analyze the information they store daily in their databases. This type of competence is in fact essential to seize new business opportunities never exploited until now, to give life to the correct sales strategies and, ultimately, to guarantee a concrete competitive advantage .

Of course, Big Data analysis is not such a simple activity that it can be learned through an online tutorial – so much so that there are consultants specialized in this kind of service. However, there are undoubtedly some criteria of action and behavior that can facilitate the data analysis process for any company. One of them is the simplification of processes, another is their maximum implementation .

But what is the analysis of corporate data in practice? Essentially, to meet customer expectations . In fact, remember that the Eighties are over for a long time, and that it is no longer the time to think so much about the product but rather about the real needs of your target .

The value of information (specifically, Big Data) lies not only in its quantity, but also and above all in its quality , and in the ability of analysts to be able to correctly extract meaning, meaning and potential from all that mass of data .

And you, are you ready to really be a company of tomorrow?


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