Brand Positioning , also called “ brand positioning ”, is one of the essential preliminary analyzes to create unique and customized marketing strategies based on the specific characteristics of the company, product or service to be promoted.

This is a process of crucial importance that allows the identification of one or more distinctive specific features of the brand , so as to convey one or more effective advertising messages and is particularly useful in highly competitive contexts .

What is Brand Positioning and what is it for

Defining Brand Positioning as one of the key activities to create effective marketing strategies – or digital marketing – is absolutely correct .

It is also important to underline that this approach is not only suitable for large companies, but also for SMEs : in general, every business should operate through preliminary strategic analyzes to build a solid brand image, capable of being remembered by the target audience. and to place it in its correct market segment.

So, simplifying, Brand Positioning is nothing more than the process that leads to positioning the brand not only in the correct market, but above all in the mind of the consumer . It will therefore have to consider all the distinctive factors that will make the brand desirable and rememberable by its potential customers.

Brand Positioning strategies are virtually infinite and can include different marketing mixes , which will be evaluated on the specific characteristics of the brand to be positioned and on particular project needs.

A classic example is represented by the so-called omnichannel marketing , which means that it hits both online and offline in a coordinated and focused way with the ultimate aim of creating a unique and coherent impression of the brand.

Because Brand Positioning is indispensable for any business

Whether the marketer is managing a large internationally renowned brand or a niche product or brand, perhaps in the startup phase , the Brand Positioning process will be equally functional.

Contrary to belief, however, this positioning activity actually works excellently even on small realities and especially if unknown , because it allows to create a strong and distinguishable identity: how would it be possible for SMEs to position themselves on the market if not through this adequate analysis process ?

The reason why it is always advisable to do Brand Positioning is therefore very simple: this activity will represent the essential basis on which to build the business and corporate communication in a broad sense. Positioning your brand effectively and consistently is the key condition for all subsequent marketing strategies to have the opportunity to work and bring tangible results.

Without an adequate strategic asset , without a clear communication of what a brand is and which audience it is aimed at , a brand could never be remembered by potential customers when a certain purchase need appears.

In practice, Brand Positioning ensures that the brand, product or service is immediately recalled to the consumer’s mind as a potential solution to a specific problem.

What is the difference between Brand Positioning and Value Proposition? 

Brand Positioning and Value Proposition are by no means synonymous, quite the opposite. They identify two very different concepts that work in synergy within any marketing strategy.

The Value Proposition is based on differentiation , and indicates the complete positioning of the brand intended as a combination of the benefits on which the positioning is based. In practice, that “extra gear” that the brand offers to the market compared to its competitors, through a new and different proposal , and therefore through the communication of specific elements of differentiation .

On the contrary, Brand Positioning is based on the most intrinsic values ​​of the brand , such as the quality of its service, prestige, symbolism, specific skills: these too are elements of differentiation, but may be less tangible (but not therefore more ephemeral!) than those communicated in the Value Proposition.

In general, any differentiating characteristics that lead the brand to position itself in the minds of potential consumers should be characteristics of:

  • Relevance
  • Exclusivity
  • Credibility
  • Difficult to reproduce (Uniqueness)

This means that a successful Brand Positioning clearly communicates what the brand can do, how it can do it better than its competitors, and what consumer needs it responds to . If the brand is able to convey these values, then its “relevant” attributes will be immediately perceptible in the consumer’s mind.

This can be done by operating in such a way that the consumer receives, perceives and remembers a specific word or a particular concept , and that this word or concept is automatically associated with the brand we are positioning.

Have you ever thought about a dedicated strategy for your company’s Brand Positioning ? Come and talk to the NAXA experts .

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