Candice Matthews Suggests 5 Places for Community Service Work in Houston

Many people say they would like the world to be a better place. Some people take action to make this happen. Community assistance groups have existed for as long as humans have lived together. The concept received a modern flavor in 17th century England with the Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601.

Through the centuries, efforts to help others have become more focused and refined. While the point underlying all community service work is to help others, volunteers also receive rewards. Ultimately everyone benefits from stronger, healthier communities. Community and child advocate Dr. Candice Matthews understands the synchronous benefits of community involvement.

Candice Matthews’ Picks for Houston Volunteering

Houston offers many types of volunteer opportunities, so you can help in areas that touch your heart the most. Some opportunities may be seasonal, but caring volunteers are needed year-round. Dr. Candice Matthews suggests these five great ways to offer your heart and your help through volunteering in Houston.

Casa de Esperanza de Los Ninos

This organization gives traumatized children a refuge where they can rest and recover. Casa de Espeeranza serves children who have endured neglect and abuse or who live with HIV. This agency coordinates psychological and medical care and offers residential services. Volunteers help coordinate welcome packages.

Houston Area Women’s Center

Those affected by sexual and domestic violence turn to this organization for help. This agency needs volunteers to collect donations and create activity bags for children appearing in court to testify. Candice Matthews says children need wholesome activities to keep them from constantly focusing on difficult situations.

Fostering Kittens

Animals make human lives richer. Young kittens who have been separated from their mothers need help to grow strong. The youngest little ones may need to be kept warm and fed with bottles for a short time, while older kittens may be able to eat soft foods and simply need a safe place to grow up for a few weeks. Shelters need other fosters, too, as well as volunteers for many other duties. You will get to meet other animal lovers and experience how your work not only changes but saves lives.

Keep Houston Beautiful

This organization sponsors many activities that promote care for the environment and a love for the outdoors, including plantings, trash pickups, and recycling education.

Houston Audubon

This organization blends advocacy and education with hands-on work to help birds and all living creatures, including people. Volunteers can help with many tasks within Audubon’s 17 nature sanctuaries, including include removing invasive plants, maintaining trails, picking up litter, filling bird baths and feeders, and handling habitat improvement work.

No matter what your passion is, Houston has a volunteer opportunity for you.

Candice Matthews Bio

Dr. Candice Matthews serves children and her community as the CEO and Executive Director of the Children of Diversity Foster Adoption Agency. She manages the agency’s development plans in cooperation with the board of directors. Candice Matthews also works with many public organizations, including the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, the Texas Department of Human Health Services, Prairie View A&M University, Lamar University College of Social Work, and the International Adoptions Organization.

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