5 Ways to Promote your Blogs in 2022

Do you want to know about the 5 ways to promote your blogs in 2022? Every blogger wants to learn new techniques through which he can promote blogs. If you have failed in the past to divert traffic towards your blogs, it doesn’t mean that you can’t succeed in it. It is quite possible to achieve success in blogging in 2022 because the platform is set, and every opportunity is available to you at your doorstep. So, fasten your seatbelts and get prepared because we are going to share with you the best 5 ways to promote your blogs in 2022

1) Quora:

Quora is the best platform for those bloggers who are new in the blogging field and don’t know how to promote their blogs. If you face the same difficulty, you need to post your blogs on Quora and get the attention of the visitors. Once you make a realm on Quora through blogs, you can attract the attention of different seekers and visitors. Don’t forget to drop in your website link at the end of your blog. By doing so, you gain popularity and earn a handsome income. 

2) Follow the SEO tools:

Being a blogger, I always prompt other bloggers to write according to the SEO tools. Let’s suppose you have a lot of cryptocurrency knowledge and have tried several articles and blogs on it, but you never gained the traffic you expected. What’s gone wrong for you? The answer is simple; you have never done proper SEO for your blogs. You wrote everything perfectly but missed the trick to engage the keywords and key phrases in your blogs. That’s why you need to learn SEO-based writing before embarking on writing blogs. 

You can get the idea from emerging Technology blog.

3) Give feedback:

Those who visit your blogs are your audience, and if you don’t respond to their comments, it means you ignore them. The next time they will not bother to comment on your blogs. It also comes in our examination that those bloggers who consider the audience’s comments gain more traffic than those who ignore them. Similarly, a well-known blogger Amir Hashim Khakwani told me in a private meeting that he always keeps the feedback button open so that more people can come and comment on a particular issue that is discussed in the blog. In return, he used to reply to them and agreed or disagreed with the audience’s sayings. For you to become a good blogger, you need to promote your blogs in 2022 in this way. 

4) Be a part of social media groups:

Social media plays a vital role in promoting your blogs in 2022. Several bloggers have gained popularity, fame, success, and wealth through social media in recent years. However, if you are a newcomer in the blogging field and want to promote your blogs, you need to join a busy social media group – on WhatsApp, Facebook, and Telegram- and make your identity. After that phase, you can make your own social media groups and grow the audience. Nonetheless, you need to be foresighted and invite members to visit and read your blogs on your site. 

5) Guest post:

Try something new to promote your blogs in 2022 and publish guest posts. You may think that it is overwork but believe me, it is the best way to promote your blog in 2022. 


At the end of the discussion, we can conclude that blogging carries a diverse scope, and bloggers can uplift the standard of their work if they follow the best advice. You can also turn your fortune by following the mentioned 5 ways to promote your blogs in 2022.  

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