10 key questions to ask before hiring an iOS app development company

It’s hard to know where to start when looking for an iOS app development company to hire, but there are some key questions you should ask before making your decision. Here are 10 important questions to ask an iOS app development company that you are thinking about hiring.

1) What’s the process?

The process for creating a custom iPhone application is well-defined, but it’s not without challenges. When you hire an iphone application development company, you want to make sure that your software is engineered using specific best practices and that developers can apply a proven process from start to finish. It’s also important that each stage of product planning has been formalized and approved by you in advance of moving forward with design or code.

2) What are your core competencies?

iOS apps are unlike most other software applications. They can be written in Swift, Objective-C, and a variety of other languages. They utilize a different coding system than most business software. You need to make sure that your chosen app development company knows what they’re doing, or you could end up with months of delays and thousands in wasted dollars. Before starting your search for an iPhone application development company, get clear on their core competencies: does it look like they focus mostly on embedded systems? Business Software?

3) Do you have any case studies or projects I can look at?

What you want is a company that has experience in your field. iphone application development companies without case studies or client testimonials should be avoided. A good iphone application development companies will have plenty of examples of their work, often accompanied by real-world results and statistics. They should also list references if you request them. If you can, see if you can meet with some of their clients as well, particularly those in your industry or vertical market.

4) How long will it take to develop?

If you want your application developed in a timely manner, it’s best to start out by setting realistic expectations with your mobile app development firm. Ask them how long it will take for them to develop a prototype and how long until launch. If their answers seem unreasonable or hard to believe, think about going with another firm. For example, if they say it will take six months from start-to-finish, don’t be afraid to question that—you may need a more realistic timeline.

5) Can you break down the cost into phases?

This can be a tricky question for many companies, but it’s definitely worth asking if you’re planning on launching a large-scale project. Breaking down costs into phases allows you to assess whether your budget aligns with your vision and ultimately gives you more control over how much time and money is put towards each phase of development.

6) How easy is it for me to get in touch with you and how quickly do you respond?

The last thing you want when planning your application is a slow response. If something goes wrong in your application, how quickly will you be able to get in touch with someone who can help fix it? Make sure that you’re getting prompt responses and are comfortable with who will be handling your project.

7) Are there any hidden costs, such as ongoing maintenance fees?

These fees can be charged on a per-user, per-month basis and can run high if you’re not careful. Make sure you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into by asking these 10 critical questions of your potential partner.

8) Can I see a mockup of what my app might look like?

If you’re looking for a reputable iPhone application development company, one of your biggest concerns is most likely whether or not they can deliver on time and within budget. One of the best ways to guarantee that your project will get done right is to work with a team that has produced high-quality work in your industry before. A mockup can help you get a sense of what your project might look like when it’s completed. After all, seeing really is believing.

9) Do you handle marketing/promotion after we launch our app?

This one’s important. It doesn’t matter how great your product is if no one knows about it. The best companies in your space know that a new product launch is really just a beginning—the real work comes from working with you to get your application discovered and talked about.

10) Who owns the source code – me or you?

This may seem like a minor question, but it’s essential. If you hire a developer or agency and they retain ownership of your source code – even if they say you can use it on your own – then there will be consequences should you decide to stop working with them or want to work with someone else. Their code is their intellectual property, and that means they have rights over what happens to it, as well as future versions.

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