What’s The Difference Between A Pogo Pin And A Spring Loaded Connector?

When you’re soldering a project, it’s important to use the correct type of connector to ensure the proper connections. While this can be a bit tricky, especially when you’re not sure what your device has on its pins, there is an easy way to tell the difference between a pogo pin and a spring loaded connector with very little effort.

What is a Pogo Pin?

A pogo pin is a connector often used in electronics and manufacturing. It has two springs that push against each other to create a clicking or “pogo” sound when connected or disconnected.

A spring loaded connector is a connector with a spring inside it that helps it connect and disconnect. The spring helps keep the connector closed, which makes it easier to connect and disconnect.

Why are Pogo Pins used in Electronics?

A pogo pin is a connector design that uses a spring to keep the pins in place. Pogo pins are often used in electronics for connecting components, because they are easy to connect and disconnect, and they do not require special tools to install or remove.

Pogo pins are also known as “spring-loaded connectors.” The term comes from the fact that when you push down on one of the pins, it causes the spring to force the other pin up, making it easier to connect the two pins. This is why pogo pins are sometimes called “clamshell connectors.”

Pogo pins have several advantages over other connector designs. They are easy to connect and disconnect, which makes them ideal for use in portable electronics, such as cell phones and laptops. They also do not require any special tools to install or remove – just scissors or a knife. spring loaded pin

Another advantage of pogo pins is that they can tolerate higher levels of stress than other connector types. This is thanks to the springs inside the pins – they can withstand more force before they break than other connector types.

How are Spring Loaded Connectors different from Pogo Pins?

Spring loaded connectors are different from pogo pins in that they use a spring to hold the connector in place. Pogo pins are just small plastic pieces that have a raised center and when you push them together, they create an electrical connection. Spring loaded connectors use a spring to keep the connector in place and then also have mating surfaces that make contact when you push them together.

This is an important difference because it affects how quickly and firmly the connector makes a connection. A pogo pin will connect quickly, but it may not be as strong as a spring loaded connector.


If you’re ever wondering what the difference is between a pogo pin and a spring loaded connector, this article will have you covered. Both connectors are used in various ways in manufacturing, but one of the main differences is that a pogo pin has more contact points with the surface it’s contacting, which makes it ideal for applications where a high degree of reliability and precision is demanded (like in aerospace or automotive engineering).

Overall, a spring loaded connector is better suited for applications where a lot of force is applied repeatedly (like in industrial or construction), while a pogo pin is more versatile and can be used in a wider variety of applications.

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