Rich Snippet: what benefits does it bring to your ranking?

  • Digital marketingSearch Engine Marketing , SEO
  • AI SEOrich snippet creation , snippet optimization , rich snippet , semantic web , seo snippet

It is known that positioning among the first organic results on the search engine is essential for any site and especially for e-commerce. In the age of SEO optimization , new ways are always sought to capture the user’s attention, without remembering that a site – even before being user friendly – must be optimized for the web. What is the first element that is “read” by the spider if not the snippet? Let’s find out more about this very important element of a page and how to turn it into a rich snippet.

What is a snippet?

The snippet is the set of title, url and description of the results of a Google search . The classic Tag Title in blue, the Url in green and the Meta Description of a few lines in gray. It is the first thing we see about a site and the first that we evaluate to understand if the content that is offered to us is suitable for what we are looking for. The new frontier, however, is that of the rich snippet, a snippet that is enriched with additional content .

Even without these new additions, there has always been a great deal of attention to the optimization of the snippet , first of all through the consistency between the Meta Description and the actual content of the page or article, but also through a continuous monitoring of the preferences of the Google algorithm. We have also always tried to build a url that was SEO-friendly and to give the search engine all possible data to know exactly how a site looks to users.

However, this innovative possibility turns out to be valuable for several reasons. On the one hand, even slightly differentiating itself from the uniformity of the snippets catches the eye of the user. Furthermore, the possibility of entering specific information allows the site owner to communicate better and the user to have more information to understand if that result is the most suitable for his requests.

In this way it is possible to attract a more specific target , aware of what they will find on the site. Doing so favors a Bounce Rate and a higher time spent on the site, as the user will be more likely interested in other content and therefore will continue to browse.

Why optimize it?

As previously mentioned, the snippet is the first touchpoint between users and a site, so it is clear that its optimization has only points in favor. The possibilities added by the rich snippet make optimization even more simple and specific, so much so that you have different possibilities depending on the type of site you have and leaving a great possibility of customization .

Rich snippets use markup that is based on microdata. Using these does not directly lead to better ranking , but working organically and in small steps can also lead to better indexing. But how exactly do they work and what are the main additions?

– E-commerce : ability to add product photos, price and availability, as well as reviews and comments from previous customers;

– Companies and shops : geolocation is fundamental, to which you can attach a telephone number, e-mail address and opening hours;

– Events : it is possible to make immediately visible the date, time and place of an event, as well as comments, photos and how to purchase tickets;

– Recipes : in addition to the photo of the final result, reviews, comments from those who have already done the dish, the time needed and the calories often appear;

– Reviews : These can be applied to many different sites and generally appear as yellow stars, which immediately give the user an idea of ​​the site.

This additional information helps to increase the CTR, Click-through Rate, which with a ripple effect can lead to a better ranking of the page by Google.

Who is in charge of creating rich snippets ?

The creation of rich snippets is given by coding a page. In the event that a site has been programmed from scratch, it is necessary to write the relative code, either by yourself or by collaborating with a developer.

It is clear that rich snippets are a very important resource within the SEO optimization process from a technical point of view . Hence, this kind of interventions cannot be improvised, much less be carried out by those who do not have specific skills on the more technical aspects of SEO optimization itself. In addition to the technical aspect, finally, it is worth mentioning the strategic aspect of the rich snippet: in fact, each web page associated with the same domain can be optimized in a really satisfactory way taking into consideration the ecosystem that is your internet.

SEO Leader Consultant is therefore the most suitable figure to deal with an activity of this nature that reconciles more purely technical aspects with those of a more strategic nature. If you are looking for a professional figure capable of taking your online business by the hand and, together with it, let’s stay in touch!

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